The Healing Frequencies of Music: Solfege

Solfege is connected to the healing properties of musical tones and the chakra system.

Music classes & lessons at Austin Arts Academy teach Solfege Theory

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Healing Frequencies of Music

The Healing Power of Do, Re, Mi, Fa, Sol, La, Ti, Do…

Do you know why music can change our mood, bring back memories, and nurture us at a deep level, decreasing stress and anxiety?

We mention this in our last blog post, Fun Fact: Plants Love Music, and I want to go into it a little deeper, explaining a theory connected to the healing frequencies of music.  

Recently I went to a community sound healing meditation and the hosts talked about how the tones of the crystal singing bowls and gongs, and even the sounds of their voices, have healing properties that wash over our bodies, bathing our mind, body, and soul in a wave of energy produced by the sounds of music. 

What they were explaining is that there are healing properties in certain frequencies of music and different frequencies have various effects on the body.

This concept stems from a holistic and integrative approach, with connections to eastern medicine. Sound healing or therapy often uses singing bowls, gongs, drums, chimes or other tools to create certain sound wave frequencies that ease the mind and body at an energetic level. 

If you’ve experienced it, you know. 

But if not, this may seem a bit far-fetched, so let me bring it back to a musical concept that we teach at Austin Arts Academy: Solfege. 

Solfege, or Solfeggio, is a system of naming notes in a major scale, where each note is given its own syllable used to sing or play that note each time. 

Do you recognize do, re, mi, fa, sol, la, ti, do? Did you just sing it in your head like I did as I typed it? That’s the basic concept of solfege. 

You can learn more about the Solfege musical theory in our group classes and private lessons at Austin Arts Academy 

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The tones of the notes on these scales create frequencies with healing properties. It’s been said that Solfeggio frequencies have been used by healing practitioners dating back to ancient Gregorian Monks. 

Sound Healing

Frequencies of Music and the Chakra System…

One reason these tones are used by healing practitioners is because the frequencies are connected to the chakra system. 

I go deeper into the chakra energy centers, what they are, qualities associated with each, and how each correlates to a color, element, purpose and mantra here: Colors, Chakras & Mantras: How they link to our Teachers and Classes at Austin Arts Academy

Each chakra connects with a differnt frequency of music, therefore creating various effects on the body as they are linked with that chakra’s qualities.

Below are the specific frequencies for each of the 7 Chakras:

  • Root Chakra: 396 Hz

    Music that contains this frequency allows you to connect with your natural state of feeling safe.

  • Sacral Charkra: 417 Hz

    Music that contains this frequency allows you to connect with your natural state of feeling creative.

  • Solar Plexus Chakra: 528 Hz

    Music that contains this frequency allows you to connect with your natural state of feeling confident.

  • Heart Chakra: 639 Hz

    Music that contains this frequency allows you to connect with your natural state of feeling connected.

  • Throat Chakra: 741 Hz

    Music that contains this frequency allows you to connect with your natural state of feeling expressive.

  • Third Eye Chakra: 852 hz

    Music that contains this frequency allows you to connect with your natural state of feeling innovative.

  • Crown Chakra: 963 Hz

    Music that contains this frequency allows you to connect with your natural state of feeling wise.

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Experience the Healing Frequencies of Music…

If you’re curious what these frequencies sound like and how they might make you feel, a quick YouTube search gave me this video (and a ton of other options) that links the solfeggio frequencies to the 7 chakras.

>>>>All 7 Chakras Solfeggio Frequencies, Full Body Energy Cleanse, Aura Cleanse, Chakra Balancing

And of course, learn more about Solfege with fun and engaging group classes and private lessons at Austin Arts Academy.

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There are many other factors that I don’t go into here, but If you’ve ever noticed how certain music changes how you feel, the frequencies incorporated into the song plays a big part, as they are energetically connected to our bodies, healing us on a deep level.

It’s kind of like how they say you are what you eat… you are what you listen to as well!

Happy listening and enjoy the healing qualities of music!

Written by Melissa Wolken
Contributing Writer, Culture Curator, and Admin Team Member

At Austin Arts Academy, we change the way you learn Music, Art, & Dance from rigid or boring to fun and engaging-an experience students will love at any age. 

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Fun Fact: Plants Love Music